Restaurant Le Tournant

Restaurant Le Tournant in Ixelles serves bistro-style cuisine,
varying according to the day’s arrivals and market stalls.

Laura Duchenne: Sustainable Poultry Farmer in Andenne, Belgium

Poultry farmer, entrepreneur, butcher – these are a few words to describe myself I am Laura, a young mother passionate about agriculture and healthy food for my family and myself. Based near Andenne, a picturesque town in Belgium, I decided to venture into poultry farming during the coronavirus crisis. This

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La ferme Les Cochons de Chaumont

Local and ethical meat, raised near you

The reasons for eating local are numerous and varied: reducing the carbon footprint, access to fresh and seasonal products, supporting regional producers… But where to eat local in Brussels? At Le Tournant, we offer local and ethical meat, sourced through the collective of farmers and restaurateurs ENTIER and our partnerships

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En juillet et aout, nous sommes ouverts du lundi au vendredi de 19.00 à 22.30 (fermés le midi)
Le Tournant est fermé du 20 juillet au 18 août inclus
Bonnes vacances!